Friday, June 26, 2009

Create a list of things you did over the summer

Hey. You all can call me Sassy.
I know that most of you are here because you most likely don't like school, dread waking up to that screeching alarm every morning, and absolutely despise your Picture Day photo, am I not right?
Well so do I. If I have to hear my alarm ring one more time at 6:25 am, I am going to rip my hair out. My picture day photos are always butt-ugly, and you can usually see my bra. Whoops.
For my next four years of high school, and even my college years, I'm going to be going through my quest of making school rule, starting with the summer of '09. I'll give you guys tips and pointers along the way to help make your experience rule, too. Aren't I so caring? :)
One thing I'd like to start off with – something I learned in my middle school years – is that you should write a list of all the cool things you did over the summer that you wouldn't mind sharing in a classroom. Like going to California, or taking a Boston trip with your friends, like I did yesterday. Or maybe your dance recital or talking about your cool camp you went to for a month. Those kind of things! Then when your teachers ask you what you did over the summer in front of your entire English class you wont stand there like an idiot being like "oh, uh, I uh, like stayed home. I... watched TV and went on Facebook." No, no, no! That simply wont do. Make a list! (Towards the end of August, I'll share my list with you guys).
Anyways, this post is getting a bit meaty. Get to list making! I know I will be.

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